Thomas Lindner

Professor of International Management

Category: Research

Estimated energy transition cost

I came across this paper today (, which estimates the cost of global transition to renewable energy. It’s a remarkable paper methodologically, and the findings point towards massive economic benefits of a rapid green-energy transition.

Winter conference on populism in IB

In preparation for our joint Special Issue in the Journal of International Business Policy (, my co-editors and I will organize a small conference at WU Vienna and University of Innsbruck in January 2022. We will follow-up on the discussion we had in our panel at the 41st SMS conference, and discuss research on the

Best Reviewer Award at AIB 2021

The Academy of International Business recognized its outstanding reviewers, and I was lucky enough to be one of them – love it when academia also rewards reviewing work!

Awards at AoM 2021

We received the IM Division Best Paper in International Corporate Governance Awards at AoM for our paper on “A temporal agency model for investor group dynamics”. Well done Tina, Igor, and Jonas! My co-author Vera Kunczer also received the IM Division’s D’Amore-McKim Best Dissertation Award! That’s really impressive, Vera!

AOM 2021 conference starts today

The (digital) Academy of Management Annual Meeting starts today. There is a great lineup of presentations and discussions, including quite a few outstanding researchers. We will see who gets awards in the IM business meeting on Monday – fingers crossed! article on my research has published a short article about my research on digital technologies and artificial intelligence. The text (in German) is available here:

Jop openings at UIBK

There are now open calls for applications for researcher positions at my new IM research unit in Innsbruck. The job post is below. Dear colleagues, We are building a new research group in International Business at University of Innsbruck (Austria), and are currently seeking applications for a fully funded 6-year postdoc position, and a fully

Intro article on UIBK website

The University of Innsbruck has posted a welcome article on its website: The text touches upon a few recent research projects, and my collaboration with OeNB, where we work on improving GDP projections based on microdata from foreign subsidiaries.

Kick-off conversation at Uni Innsbruck

Following my first days at Uni Innsbruck, I had a short interview with Nina Brillinger, who supports the department as a student assistant. We talked about research, teaching, and what are central factors in an academic career. The interview (in German) is available here:

I started a new job!

As of May 1, I started a new job as full professor of international management at the University of Innsbruck. There is still a lot of work in terms of setting things up, but the university has posted a first “welcome” message, which I share here: Looking forward to new challenges and adventures!