Thomas Lindner

Professor of International Management

Author: Thomas

New paper on populism in international business

Together with Chris Hartwell, Barclay James, Jakob Müllner, and Paul Vaaler I have edited a special issue in the Journal of International Business Policy. The issue has been published online, and our editorial piece is now available:

CV update 2023

My CV updated with publications and activities for 2023.

New paper on responsible shareholders

Journal of Management Studies has just published my most recent paper with Arjen Slangen, Aleksi Eerola, and Riccardo Valboni: This is a short summary of the paper: Is socially-responsible shareholders’ sense of responsibility universal? One might think so, but this is actually not the case, according to this new study of firms’ decisions on

Mein erster Beitrag für Jurist:innen

Juristische Texte waren bisher nicht meine Lieblingslektüre. Selbst einen zu schreiben war auch nicht ganz oben auf meiner Wish-List. Mit der HIlfe von Christian Richter-Schöller und Andreas Zahradnik habe ich meine Meinung geändert, und es war eine Freude, einen Beitrag zur Bedeutung von nachhaltiger Finanzierung im Kapitalmarkt zu schreiben. Ohne meinen versierten Juristenkollegen und Koautoren

Cross-national distance data

We provide the data on information distance from our recent paper ‘Information distance: Conceptual development and empirical tests of a novel measure of cross-national distance’ on cross-national distance here. We have computed information distance scores for many country pairs and years (more than 10,000 annual distances from 2008 to 2022), and provide them in the

New paper in GSJ

Jakob Müllner, Harald Puhr, and I have just published (available in early view) a paper in the Global Strategy Journal, explaining under which circumstances announced M&A transactions are cancelled. We highlight the role of ownership concentration and capital market characteristics in the empirical design. The paper is available here:

New SI available in MBR

Together with Jakob Müllner and Igor Filatotchev, I have edited a special issue in Multinational Business Review. The SI deals with interdisciplinary work bridging International Business and Finance. The SI is now online (available here:, and it features our introductory editorial piece (available here:

Exporttag Advantage Austria

My International Management team at UIBK, in collaboration with colleagues from the Institute for International Business at WU Vienna, intior, and the eXplore! Initiative, organized a workshop at the Exporttag 2023. The event, hosted by ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA, was the largest ever with approximately 4,000 visitors and featured an impressive program. During the workshop on “Data-Supported

Alia project website online

The project website for the Alia AG went online yesterday. For this project, I have been helping to develop an actionable impact measurement system for the B2B loan market. The Alia project is in development still, but you can check out the website (in German) here:

Research report on non-standard errors

Together with Simon Hartmann, and a group of 100+ co-author teams, I have contributed to a research report indicating that the approach researchers take to testing hypotheses makes a big difference in terms of findings in quantitative empirical research. The research report is now forthcoming in the Journal of Finance. The last working paper version