Author: Thomas
Exporttag Advantage Austria
My International Management team at UIBK, in collaboration with colleagues from the Institute for International Business at WU Vienna, intior, and the eXplore! Initiative, organized a workshop at the Exporttag 2023. The event, hosted by ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA, was the largest ever with approximately 4,000 visitors and featured an impressive program. During the workshop on “Data-Supported
Alia project website online
The project website for the Alia AG went online yesterday. For this project, I have been helping to develop an actionable impact measurement system for the B2B loan market. The Alia project is in development still, but you can check out the website (in German) here:
Research report on non-standard errors
Together with Simon Hartmann, and a group of 100+ co-author teams, I have contributed to a research report indicating that the approach researchers take to testing hypotheses makes a big difference in terms of findings in quantitative empirical research. The research report is now forthcoming in the Journal of Finance. The last working paper version
CV update 2022
An updated CV including what happened in 2022.
New paper on asymmetric risk preferences and corporate capital structure
In our new paper (co-authored with Jonas Puck and Giulia Stocco), we connect prospect theory and the static trade-off theory of capital structure, using international variation in asymmetric risk preferences. The paper is available online-first here:
New image video at my research center
The research center Strategic Leadership, Innovation, and Branding at UIBK has created a new image video highlighting our research from the last years, and emerging research areas. Check it out here:
Newspaper articles on my research
Two recent newspaper articles have picked up on my research. The first one ( builds on my recent research paper on human-AI interactions, which I mention in the post below. The second one ( is about how firms can know whether internationalization is a good idea for them, and which resources they will need if
New paper on human-AI interaction
In a new working paper (available on my faculty page:, Ben Greiner (, Philipp Grünwald, Georg Lintner, Martin Wiernsperger (, and myself explore how people interact with AI-driven decision-support systems. We specifically look into incentive structures, and differences between “pure” AI advice, and human-augmented AI advice.
New paper on ML in JIBS
Together with my co-authors Jonas Puck and Alain Verbeke, we have published a new paper on how ML may help IB researchers in solving tricky econometric challenges, particularly when no clear econometric solution exists. Check out the paper (open access of course) here:
New JIBS paper on supranational institutions
Together with Simon Hartmann, Jakob Müllner, and Jonas Puck, I have just published a new conceptual article in the Journal of International Business Studies: The paper is open access, check it out!